Pharos Sirius

Pharos Sirius

Level 50, ilvl 48

50, i110

Western La Noscea (X:16, Y:30)

Sirius Business

The seas around the Isles of Umbra are rife with hidden reefs and rocks, and many a hapless ship has met its demise beneath her surging waves. Recognizing the need to provide vessels with safe passage through these treacherous waters, the Admiral of Limsa Lominsa ordered the construction of a great lighthouse. So it was that Pharos Sirius came into being, shortly before dusk fell upon the Sixth Astral Era.  


Symond the Unsinkable

In this encounter, each player will receive a stack of Corrupting Crystal. When it reaches three stacks, it will explode and damage all nearby players. To prevent this, it is important to stay spread out and avoid the long, narrow column attack. Additionally, it is crucial to quickly kill the hounds to limit the stacks. When large circles appear, it is recommended for ranged players to move to one side of the room while melee players move to the other side to avoid an explosion. These circles will leave a persistent yellow pool that adds more debuff stacks. If you reach three stacks of the debuff, it is best to run away from everyone, but you can run into the yellow pool if necessary. At around 15% HP, you have the option to either use the melee LB to defeat the boss or use the caster LB to eliminate the 3-4 spawning hounds.


During the boss fight, the tank should make sure to face the boss away from the rest of the group. The healer needs to be prepared for a significant amount of AoE healing. There are two types of eggs: spotted and plain. The plain eggs will spawn an add that does a minor AoE, while the spotted eggs will spawn an add that channels onto a player. It is advised to initially ignore the eggs until the emote "The egg is threatening to hatch," at which point 2-3 eggs will start glowing purple. Only one of these eggs should be killed. If there is a spotted egg, it should be the one to be killed. Killing more than one egg will result in Zu using the Flying Frenzy ability and bodyslamming a party member, potentially causing their death. When Zu flies into the air, any remaining adds should be killed. While in the air, Zu will also place ground effects under the tank, in addition to using the Blue Mage spell Sonic Boom.


As a tank, it is important to position the boss away from the group and grab the Sailor adds. Additionally, be sure to avoid the circular AoE that appears under Tyrant during Bombination. It is worth noting that the boss has relatively low HP, so consider either using AoE attacks to take out the adds along with the boss or focus solely on defeating the boss quickly.


The tank should position the boss in the center of the room and be prepared to pick up the Zombie Storm Privates, while also kiting the Zombie Storm Sergeants. The healer needs to watch out for the Siren's Siren Song debuff, which will randomly affect party members when she casts Song of Torment. Within 12 seconds, the healer must fully heal the affected members or else they will be charmed for a certain period of time. Additionally, the healer should remove the periodic Bleed debuff from the tank. In addition to the Storm Privates, Zombie Storm Sergeants will also appear. These enemies should be kited by the tank while the DPS focuses on killing them. If the Sergeants reach their target, they will stun them. When the Siren disappears, she may reappear either in the center of the room or on an edge. If she is in the middle, the party should stack on top of her to avoid the AoE Siren Song debuff. On the other hand, if she appears on an edge, the party needs to move away from her to avoid her charge. It is important to interrupt the Siren's Lunatic Voice to prevent an AoE healing reduction debuff. If the debuff does occur, it can be removed with Esuna.
